How-to: Prove that your club has the healthiest fans

How-to: Prove that your club has the healthiest fans

Once you have a club connected to your profile and enter your data, it will be visible on your profile afterwards. Once you have started your fitness journey, the app will keep track of your progress, and will show you how many steps you have made, how many calories you have burned, and the distance that you have covered. A graph will show you the progress and whether you have been consistent over the past days or whether it would be good to get moving again.
On your profile, you can also see how many and what badges you have earned.

Your club might offer individual prizes for the fans that earned the most points for them on a monthly basis. At the end of the season, the fan with the most points over the course of a season will receive the Healthy Football League trophy and an additional prize.

You can download the app here!